Coyote & Bobcat

You'll be hunting thousands of acres loaded with coyote, bobcat, and other predators.

Late winter finds their food source at its lowest point of the year, and that makes the predators easier to fool. Rabbit squeal or pup distress calls will bring them running.

Guided Predator Hunting

When you choose a fully-guided predator hunt with Hunt Hickory Creek in Kansas, we guarantee it's an experience you'll remember for a lifetime.

Like our deer hunting trips and turkey hunting trips, our fully-guided predator hunting trips are all-inclusive, including: homestyle meals, lodging, transportation to and from the hunting sites, and more.

kansas bobcat hunting

Predator Hunting at Night

Hickory Creek is excited to be one of the first outfitters in Kansas to offer predator hunting at night - with lights, night vision and thermal imaging! Far from new at the game of predator hunting, Hickory Creek has been offering predator hunts for over 20 years, but Kansas just passed a law allowing this new option for hunting at night. Our guide will utilize his knowledge of our land and will put you where you need to be to be successful. As you know predators are nocturnal by nature, so hunting them at night changes the odds to the hunter’s favor. Coyotes and bobcats abound in this cattle ranching area of Kansas, so not only are we doing our landowners a big favor by killing as many predators as possible - we are doing our hunters a bigger service. Lots of Fawns and turkey poults fall prey to these "night stalkers" so come on down and let’s light ‘em up...

The guide will conduct the hunt with electronic calls, mimicking rabbit distress and natural seasonal vocalizations. These shots can come very fast so be sure to practice your target acquisition skills before you arrive. In some cases you may have only seconds to acquire the target and make the shot.

kansas predator hunting at night

2026 Predator Hunting Schedule & Prices

Prices do not include hunting tag and license fees for the State of Kansas.

Already Booked a Trip? Please refer to your hunting confirmation email for reservation details.

Predator Hunting

3 Full Days or Nights of Hunting / All-Inclusive

Prices are Per Hunter. (2 Hunter Minimum)

Hunting Dates Fully-Guided Day Fully-Guided Night
01/08/2026 - 01/10/2026 $1500 $1800
01/22/2026 - 01/24/2026 $1500 $1800
02/05/2026 - 02/07/2026 $1500 $1800
02/19/2026 - 02/21/2026 $1500 $1800
03/05/2026 - 03/07/2026 $1500 $1800

Reservations & Deposit

When you’re ready to reserve your predator hunting trip, a $400 deposit per hunter is required to hold your trip date and hunting lodge. For your convenience you can securely Pay Deposit online using PayPal. Personal checks are accepted for deposits only, and can be mailed to: Hunt Hickory Creek, PO Box F, Sedan, KS 67361. The remaining balance is due upon arrival, and payable in cash or credit card.

Kansas Predator Tag & License Information

You may purchase your hunting license from the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism website.

Kansas Predator Hunting Fees Adult & Youth
Non-Resident Hunting License $127.50
* Fur Bearers License needed for Bobcats

Hunting information is subject to change. For the latest information on season dates, application deadlines and license or permit cost please visit the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism website.

Reserve your hunting adventure with Hunt Hickory Creek.